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Monday, February 22, 2010

Ancient China

One of the vocabulary terms in this chapter is Legend. If you can, ask someone in your family to tell you a legend from your country or look up famous legends from the past and share them here.


  1. O.K. You guys you can use this site to post your comments and......earn you extra credit!!!!!

  2. one day there is a name called Allah and he was our creater.He is everywhere, and he made the planet,the gelexy,and the star or let's say that he made everything.I have many question about, and i wanted to meet him because he might be big or small or even human size.But then i realized that if he is the creator than imight see him in heaven!!! so that is my LEEGEND...THE ED...

  3. Muhammad A. Thank you for sharing your legend! But it looks like you have more questions about Allah. I agree with you that the more that we think about the universe and who or what created it, we end up having more questions than asnwers.

  4. Allah is the only god he created this whole world in 7 days, and he is also the only creater and he can't be a human because he is a god.
    by:nour alkarzon
