
I hope you will enjoy this site as much as I know I will. This space is for us to communicate and get to know each other. Have fun and remember you can add comments or start a new thread! Let's get started!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Lottery Rose Sp.

En este capitulo conocemos a Molly Harper, que opinas de ella? Que predicciones puedes hacer sobre ella y Georgie?

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Lottery Rose Ch. 4 and 5

In chapter 4 Georgie plants his rosebush in Mrs. Harper's garden, but he does this in the middle of the night. Georgie did not realized he had destroyed Mrs. Harper's flower lilies until the following day when he returns to plant his rosebush in her garden. As Georgie proceeds to plant his rosebush he is met by Mrs. Harper who yells at Georgie for destroying her garden. After they argue, Mrs. Harper sees something on Georgies back. What did she see? How did she change after Georgie gets sick?

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Lottery Rose by Irene Hunt

We have read up to chapter 3. In this chapter the author presents new characters, choose one of the characters and describe what he/she is like.

Monday, February 22, 2010

La Antigua China

Una de las palabras nuevas de este capitulo es Leyenda. En tu familia investiga que te platiquen una leyenda de tu pais O si no puedes, busca una leyenda famosa de tu pais y compartela en este espacio. Que te Diveirtas!

Ancient China

One of the vocabulary terms in this chapter is Legend. If you can, ask someone in your family to tell you a legend from your country or look up famous legends from the past and share them here.